Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Slow progress for healing of Ian's arm!

17th May
I thank everyone for their good wishes for my recovery after the fall that broke up my shoulder and had to have a replacement joint. I am trying hard to get back th euse of my right arm but it is slow progress. I can now move the arm quite well but there is not much strength there to actually do precise movements needed to do any dentistry. I am working on it with almost hourly excercises.. I do miss you all , patients , colleagues including many staff with whom I have owrked for nearly 40 years. Certainly the last few weeks especailly following the operation has been quite painful and has made sleep difficult.. I think that it is still going to need another month or two before I would be able to treat patients to the high standard that is essential.
I am now officially an OAP reaching my 65th birthday on 16th May. !
I have not been idle while away.. running a very successful local election campaign regaining 8 seats for my Labour group.! The Oak Tree trust which I run has been able to treat over 250 patients for cataracts in far norht in Pakistan and I have expanded the water well project in Niger where the wells we paid for have now already supported over 1000 large fields growing essential food supporting many vilalges and saving lots of lives in this very poor Country. This has now been expanded into schools in the Tibiri area of Niger and I hope ( when recovered) to go out and sort their dental health support programme ( there is no dentist there for 550,000 villagers.)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ian breaks a wing!

A very simple fall but unluckily landing all my weight on my shoulder caused  break of the head of the humerus.. the bone of my upper right arm... hot footing back to the United Kingdom supported by direct line.. they were excellent... i got this repaired but needed major surgery and a new metal shoulder joint. This has certainly stopped me doing a number of things including dentistry. I am working hard with shoulder exercises and gradually getting movement back. It is working but slow and at current date 25th March, looks like another couple of weeks to be able to drive ( which involves raising both arms above the horizontal!!
I am sorry that this has stopped me looking after your dental health.. I will try and return as soon as I can safely and to be able to work easily to a high standard.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ian's Daughter Amy wedding!

More weddings!

Message from Ian Robertson

To Patients at 10 Church Square from Ian Robertson

You may have noticed that I have not been at the surgery so much recently..I can assure you I have not retired!
I normally work at least every Thursday and often more on Friday morning and once a month on a Saturday morning.
I have now completed 40 years treating patients at 10 Church Square and although I do very much enjoy caring for your dental health, Many of you I do count as friends as well as patients and enjoy meeting you as well as caring for your dental health.
I have been taking time out to see my two delightful grandchildren and doing my role as father of the bride at my daughter’s recent wedding!
So I do not book up appointments very far in advance so that I can complete any treatment plan needed within a few weeks of commencing.

I remain also as an elected Councillor representing Blakenall ward on Walsall MBC. My charity Oak Tree Trust is doing well and you can follow our latest projects on oaktreetrust@blogspot.com where we are digging water wells in Niger, providing free cataract operations in the hills of Pakistan along with treating simple cleft cases. I would like to set up some simple measures to reduce the serious rise in tooth decay in children in developing countries.

So I will be around for some time yet ( health permitting of course) !!

Ian Robertson

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Aim to brush your teeth for 2 minutes a day!

Many 'too busy for a proper brush' of their teeth

Brushing can remove harmful plaque
One in three adults in the UK do not brush their teeth for the recommended full two minutes per day, experts believe.

The British Dental Health Foundation found a third cut brushing short to deal with more pressing matters.

Excuses given by the 1,000 adults polled included rushing to leave the house on time, as well as answering mobile phones or caring for children.

Experts stressed good brushing is essential to prevent tooth decay.

Chief Executive of the Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter said: "Your dentist can remove any build-up of plaque and tartar on your teeth, but everyday care is vital and is down to the individual.

"Your toothbrush is one of the best weapons against gum disease."

He said many studies over the years had shown that the average time we brush our teeth for is only around 45 seconds, less than half of that necessary to do a good job.

"Yet our study shows people think they are doing considerably better than this," he said.

"Gum disease is the largest cause of tooth loss in adults, and poor oral health is being linked to more and more serious illnesses such as strokes and diabetes, but it is a preventable condition, and a good oral health routine at home is key to preventing it."

Experts advise people to brush their teeth for a full two minutes twice a day, with fluoride toothpaste to keep the mouth clean and healthy.

There also appears to be good evidence that those of us with good oral hygiene suffer less risk of coronary heart disease... so please get out your toothbrush!!!